
Aleix Espargaró

Aleix Espargaró Villà

What Shoe does Aleix Espargaró use or wear? Let's explore together with the Aleix Espargaró Famegear community! ─ Aleix Espargaró is a Spanish competitor in the MotoGP racing category. He was born on 30 July 1989 in Granollers, Spain.
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What gear does Aleix Espargaró use or wear?
Kevin J Lincoln

Kevin J Lincoln Added Adidas Candace Parker x Wmns Exhibit A to Aleix Espargaró

Adidas Candace Parker x Wmns Exhibit A

Adidas Candace Parker x Wmns Exhibit A

Running Shoes

Aleix Espargaró had an incredible training session at the gym with his trainer! He was rocking the ... View more

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Submitted by Kevin J Lincoln Kevin J Lincoln at

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Aleix Espargaró had an incredible training session at the gym with his trainer! He was rocking the excellent Adidas Candace Parker x Wmns Exhibit A, which looks fantastic and supports his performance during intense training.

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