
Aleix Espargaró

Aleix Espargaró Villà

What Phone does Aleix Espargaró use or wear? Let's explore together with the Aleix Espargaró Famegear community! ─ Aleix Espargaró is a Spanish competitor in the MotoGP racing category. He was born on 30 July 1989 in Granollers, Spain.
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What gear does Aleix Espargaró use or wear?
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Apple Iphone 15 Pro

Apple Iphone 15 Pro


In this fantastic photo, Aleix Espargaró is seen holding an Apple iPhone 15 Pro in his hand. He seems to use the iPhone 15 Pro as his everyday mobile phone, and we love to see it!... View more

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Submitted by Elena Macarline Elena Macarline at

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